AI / Machine Learning Model Monitoring Resources | Mona Blog

New Year, New Mona Insights | Mona Blog

Written by Yotam Oren, Co-founder and CEO | Jan 13, 2022 5:15:40 PM

We hope that everyone had a fantastic holiday season and is now ready to tackle the 2022 New Year! Looking back to where we started in 2018 to where we are now, we have grown so much overall as a company. From three (⅓ balding) guys with a crazy idea nobody understood, through assembling a team of passionate trailblazers, and to building advanced features for Mona’s platform - now leveraged by incredible AI/ML teams at industry leaders, and even recognized by Gartner, we are continuing to strengthen our position as the leading monitoring solution for AI,  - providing the most flexible and comprehensive insight engine.

As this new year has just begun, we are moving full speed ahead to make this a great year. With that, we have created a new introduction video that we want to share with you all. This video will provide a short overview of the business challenges that Mona’s intelligent AI monitoring platform aims to resolve. Watch the video below:




As more and more companies scale their AI programs, machine learning model monitoring continues to become an important priority, providing businesses with proactive insights into production AI issues that would otherwise go undetected. In 2022, a popular headline will be bridging the gap between business and data science. The larger the central AI / ML team grows, the more likely it is to be siloed from the business functions, and lack timely visibility into business outcomes. With this upcoming year, we’re likely to see more companies looking for processes and tools to help establish and sustain a continuous feedback loop between data scientists designing and developing ML models, and their business stakeholders, who are often accountable for the business outcomes the models are trying to enable. This is exciting for AI monitoring enthusiasts such as ourselves, as this trend puts monitoring front and center, as a business priority and not just the priority of the ML Operations team. 

Mona was built with a mission to make AI and machine learning impactful, effective, reliable and safe for businesses and that is still what we aim to do. Learn how our solution can significantly reduce any risks to your business by signing up for a free trial or by requesting a demo